Cycling in the Netherlands: Key Vocabulary and Tips

Cycling is a way of life in the Netherlands. If you’re studying Dutch or spending time in the country, learning a few key cycling-related words and cycling tips can make a big difference. Here’s what you need to know:

Essential Cycling Vocabulary

  1. Fiets – Bicycle

  2. Fietspad – Bike path

  3. Fietsbel – Bike bell

  4. Verkeerslicht – Traffic light

  5. Band – Tire

  6. Fietsenrek – Bike rack

  7. Slot – Lock

  8. Fietssleutel - Bike key

  9. Fietspomp – Bike pump

  10. Zadel – Saddle/seat

  11. Stuur – Handlebar

  12. Trap – Pedal

  13. Versnellingen – Gears

  14. Bagagedrager – Luggage carrier

  15. Verlichting – Lights

  16. Fietsenmaker – Bike repairer

Cycling Tips

  • Always use your bike bell. It’s not just polite—it’s expected.

  • Stick to the fietspad. Bike paths are everywhere, so there’s no excuse for cycling on the sidewalk.

  • Be aware of right of way. At an unmarked intersection, cars and bikes from the right have the right of way. So remember to slow down and yield if necessary.

  • Mind the crosswalks. Bikes are expected stop at crosswalks for pedestrians who would like to cross. Many cyclists ignore this, but it’s the polite thing to do.

Cycling is one of the best ways to explore Amsterdam, so knowing these basics will help you feel more at home on two wheels. It’s practical, eco-friendly, and very Dutch!


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