Dutch LangUage Tips
Welcome to the Dutch Made Easy blog. Here you will find a variety of Dutch culture and language insights and tips. Have a topic you’d like to see featured here? Get in touch and let me know!
Essential Words for the (winter) Season
Whether you're learning Dutch or simply curious about the language, you can deepen your appreciation for the season by expanding your winter vocabulary. Here are a few Dutch words and phrases that capture the essence of winter in the Netherlands.
Why Learning Dutch Is Easier Than You Think
I wrote this article because people often begin their Dutch lessons with me by saying they have been putting off getting started because, “Dutch is such a difficult language!” However, I completely disagree. Read on to learn why!
Let’s Learn Dutch: Sinterklaas Explained!
The best way to learn a language is through its culture. In this series I will explain Dutch traditions, highlighting important vocabulary words long the way.
How to Maximize Duolingo for Learning Dutch
Duolingo is one of the most popular language-learning apps, and for good reason.Here’s how you can get the most out of it by combining it with your Dutch lessons and other tools.
The Power of Writing: How Keeping a Journal In Dutch Accelerates Your Learning
In each of your Dutch lessons you will learn new words and by journaling you can put those words directly to use. Here's how to get started!
25 Very Dutch Words and Phrases Explained
From lief to appje here is a list of 25 frequently used and uniquely Dutch words and phrases.
12 Common Dutch Phrases Explained
If you live in The Netherlands you will likely hear these 12 common Dutch phrases daily. Learning them is easy and it will go a long way in helping you follow along in conversations.
16 dutch words every foodie should know
From biertje to stroopwafel ? here is a vocabulary list dedicated to Dutch food traditions.